Thursday, 14 October 2010

Personal Opinion on Alain Badiou "This Crisis Is the Spectacle: Where Is the Real?"

Alain Badiou wants us to pay attention to the fact that the contemporary world is about to collapse and that a return to the real is absolutely necessary to save us all. I don’t mean to pride but, isn’t it typical of intellectuals to be against capitalism? Unfortunately capitalism is a form of society that is not, and it looks like it never will be, able to satisfy the intellectual needs as well as their sense of fulfilment in life, driving them to a constant, and sometimes irrational, search to a new solution; in this specific case “the communism”.

I personally don’t think that Communism is such a brilliant idea after all.
As Paul Hollander, professor at Massachusetts University stated after years of research, study and understanding; ‘the deception has survived the failure of the bloodthirsty regimes and still dominates the liberal intellectual’s hearts and brains’. The deception being that cultural and psychological trick that induced poets artists and philosophers to actively line up with the Soviet Union, Mao’s China, Castro and Che-Guevara’s Cuba against western civilization and especially the United States which represented the vanguard. Western intellectuals guided by fantasy and presumption to build the perfect society, heaven on earth, simply wanted to be deceived.

Hasn’t communist already proven to have a bad effect everywhere that it has been tried? All communist countries have either suffered economic collapse or have modified their system in order to allow more free-market transactions over time. It has proven wholly unworkable and against motivation for improvement in any process whatsoever.
On the other hand, I do believe that each individual should be given the same opportunity to succeed in life and therefore the resources necessary to pursue that success. But I do also feel very strongly about human freedom and happiness and it has been historically testified that communism as well as other dictator forms of govern have never respected and provided these values.

I also believe that if capitalism didn’t exist communism would not been identified and vice versa. They both are two concepts that wouldn’t exist without each other. Therefore when you are talking about communism you are implicitly talking about capitalism too.

That said, we all must accept the fact that the capitalist lifestyle is at the end of its days. I think it is of vital importance that governs try to improve social equality within each nation, and also try to decrease their differences in order to loosen the political and social tensions and therefore, hopefully, decrease people’s inequalities.

1 comment:

  1. Mi รจ piaciuto il tuo post.. ci sarebbe molto da dire. Ma non sarai mica quell'andrea benedettini che conobbi a Dublino nell'estate del 1999 (o 2000)? (Se non sei tu, scusa..)
